

Easy DIY iPhone Case Tutorial

My husband gave me new iPhone 4Gs for a Christmas gift (lucky!)... and It's been almost a week now and I haven't get any new case so I thought of creating one and why buying. 

2 pcs fabrics size 10 x 4 inches
2 pcs fusible interfacing 10 x 4 inches
1 pc fabric size 2x2.5



1. For the tab, fold the 2.5” tall by 2” wide tab piece lengthwise in fourths and edge stitch. Sorry I forgot to take picture how I did it but you can see on the next first picture how the tab looks.

2. Place the fuse interfacing to the wrong side of fabric. Like sandwiching the two fabic.  Be careful and make sure that the right side of the fabric are facing each other.  And place the tab righ away (see pic below) so you won't forget the tab.

3. Run a stich all round it with 3/8 seam allowance and leave at least 2 - 3 inch open so you can turn it out the right side of the fabric. See the picuture below where I stop and left a 2 inch open.

4. Clip corners and trim a little.

5.  Turn the right side of the fabric out. Top stitch the top and bottom.

6. Fold in half with the tab at the back. Stitch as close to the edge as you can while catching all of the layers.

7.  Add a Key Ring.

Now I am less to worry about my iphone in getting scratched, and pluss I can add my key on my case for easy find. 



  1. Replies
    1. Glad you like it :) and thank you for stopping by.

  2. Excellent post man!
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  3. Cute idea and perfect for those of us who are just learning to sew.

  4. Cute idea and perfect for those of us who are just learning to sew.

  5. Love this idea. I am new to sewing works. Gonna try to make a phone case. Thanks for sharing this phone case DIY tutorial.
